“The Collective Studio represents a niche roster of about 20 independent artists and labels from across the world for the placement of their music and original composition in advertising, gaming, TV, film and more. In addition to our Synchronization and Bespoke Composition & Sound Design services, we also offer Sonic Branding, Music Supervision and Music Clearance.

TCS was founded in 2019 in Amsterdam with a priority for cultivating creativity. We reimagine industry structures that are traditionally segmented, myopic, and preoccupied by short-term trends and needs. Instead, our approach is artist-focussed and considered. We represent creatives globally to ensure their careers are long-term, diversified and artistically fulfilling.

Our distinctive engagement with creative representation diversifies the spectrum of opportunities for our commercial partners. With a constant eye towards thought-leading developments and technological advancements in media production, we bridge the divide between commercial clients and creatives with a commitment to equity.”








+31 615266220