Knowledge is power. Simple as that.
The more you know about how the business of making and licensing music for visual, interactive and branded media works, what tools are available to you and who you can work with to get your music discovered and placed, the better your chances of success in sync and composition for media.
To help you reach your goals, Sync Summit has created a variety of free and paid tools for you to learn and get the practical information you need to succeed in sync. Following are the details of our available information services:
Our Free Sync Summit Blog
The sync summit blog features articles from Sync Summit and guest posts from our partners and sponsors that provide you with insight and information on the details of how to succeed in music licensing and composition. The information here give you expert insights and it’s all 100% free.
Click here to go to The SyncSummit Blog
Our Free Sync Report Newsletter
The Sync report Newsletter is a fortnightly compendium (relaunching March 2020) that’s designed to give you insight, news you can use from the industry and practical information.
View Archives of The Sync Report Newsletter
The Sync Exchange Podcast
The Sync Exchange Podcast is a regular series of in-depth interviews with industry experts you can listen to at work, rest or play that will give you a window into how people work, how they see the industry and how you can position yourself and your music for success in sync.
Listen to The Sync Exchange Podcast
Market Research Reports
Our market research reports provide you with comprehensive information on the music licensing and composition marketplace. That includes hard data you can use for your business, information on industry trends and information on how to connect with industry leaders and