Our mission is to elevate the unique value of production music and to ensure the viability of the production music industry.
- Working with performing rights organizations, legislators, legal counsel and broadcasters in the aim of improving the reporting, monitoring, collection and distribution of performance fees and royalties for PMA members;
- Providing its members with a forum in which issues of common concern and interest can be discussed and decisions made;
- Educating its members and the marketplace about music rights and other issues affecting the production music community; and
- Enhancing the value of PMA members’ music through research, education and public relations
In 1997, several composers and publishers came together in successful opposition to a specific issue (a proposed cap on performance royalties) and later formed the PMA. Since then, some of our accomplishments have included ensuring that millions of dollars performance royalties found their way to the properly-entitled writers and publishers; persuading our community, broadcasters and the PRO’s about the dangers of direct licensing; influencing the technological developments affecting the tracking, reporting and payment of our members’ music; and generally growing the organization into a forceful voice heard across all areas of our industry.
For more go to http://pmamusic.com