Hi Everyone,
Until August 14, we’re giving everyone who wants to sign up for one of our SyncSummits the opportunity to do so at the lowest rates we’re going to offer this year.
Here’s the details:
SyncSummit Hollywood – September 24-25 – $399. That’s $200 off the door price and $100 off the current $499 rate.
SyncSummit Munich/Synktoberfest – October 22-23 – €200. That’s €150 off the door rate.
SyncSummit NY 2016 – June 21-22 – $250. This is $350 Off the standard rate of $599 and is the lowest rate we’ll offer on this event.
SyncSummit NY+LA For $599. Attend both our US events for one low price – 1/2 off the price of attending them both separately.