Thy metadata which lies within the comments section of thine MP3s needeth to be filled wholly and accurately.
This includith:
– Thine contact information (thine email at a minimum)
– Thine master ownership (whetherith thy has complete control or whether thou has divideth thine control with thy neighbour, thy co-writer, other member of thy creative team, thine label, thine ox or thine ass).
– Whetherith thy song hath vocals that are male, female or lacketh vocals.
– If thy song is an instrumental version and if thou has a solo featuring a particular instrument (Guitar, Sax, etc).
– Thy song’s tempo (slow, mid, up)
– Confirmation of thine right to licenceith thine track for purposes fo sync.
– Whetherith thine song is one-stop, all in or easy-clear.
– Inclusion of descriptive tags of the feel, mood and elements of thy song. Such as “bright,” “dark,” “anthemic,” RIYL (Recommended If You Like with the name of a famous band).
When thou fillist thine comments section and fill it wholly, thou wilt providith music supervisors the information they need to findith, clear and placeith thine music.